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Forbidden food for dogs and cats

Updated: Aug 10


More than 60% of non-infectious diseases of dogs and cats are caused by improper feeding. Trying to pamper the pet, the owner offers him all the most delicious things from his table - smoked sausage, a piece of fatty pork, chips, salted fish, sweet pie. However, this does not lead to good.

Firstly, after trying such a treat three or four times a day, the animal receives extra calories, which are stored in the form of fat (in dogs - on the sides, in cats - the lower abdomen). Excess weight contributes to the development of pathologies of the heart, liver, diabetes mellitus, and increases the risk of developing urolithiasis. If your animal's last two ribs are not palpable or are palpable quite hard, there are clear signs of obesity.

Secondly, salty, smoked and peppered food strongly irritates the sensitive mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines and can cause their inflammation.

The third mistake of the owner is feeding with tubular bones. With low digestibility, they clog the intestines, causing its blockage. The sharp ends of the bones can injure the walls of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. If the dog has scratching, hair loss and other metabolic disorders, then there is a high probability that the poor guy was fed bones or porridge in a strong bone broth. In addition, bone broth in large quantities causes excessive secretion of gastric juice in animals, which can lead to gastritis and ulcers.

Fresh river fish can become a source of helminths and cause urolithiasis. Therefore, it is better to pamper your pet with frozen fish bought in the store. Some species of fish contain substances that destroy vitamin B1 (thiaminases). Dogs and cats fed with such fish develop iron deficiency anemia, which causes changes in the coat in the form of a lightened color, increased softness of the coat, paralysis and even death. The highest concentration of thiaminases was found in cod and herring fish. An effective way to get rid of these enzymes is cooking.

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